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First Childcare Experience? Considerations & Questions!


Finding the right childcare or daycare center can be overwhelming. It's an important decision, and there are many things to consider. At Little Jewels Learning Center, we encourage you to visit, ask questions, and take the time to find the right childcare environment for your family. While location and safety are always at the core of decision-maki...

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  135 Hits

School Age Readiness Assessment: A Kindergarten Checklist


When determining if your child is ready for kindergarten, many early education checklists are available to reference so you can learn what is expected and appropriate. Below please find common standards in social skills, reasoning and concept development, motor skills, language, reading, writing, language, reading, writing, math, science, art, musi...

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  173 Hits

Kindergarten: Is My Child Ready?


Just yesterday, you were holding that sweet, little baby. After many diapers, meals, and playdates later, you realize that kindergarten is on the horizon. It's an exciting time as families envision a life for themselves and their children in this new phase. And often, this excitement gets clouded with concern. Is my little one ready for kindergarte...

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  625 Hits

Ages and Stages: What to Expect!


It's fun to see new parents shine with excitement about what is to come. Thankfully, today's online information and prenatal medical support arm parents with an arsenal of tools to tackle parenthood. While many say they are not ready, most feel they have a good grasp on the basics. That is, until that beautiful baby comes along, and before you know...

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  488 Hits

Developmental Screenings: Knowledge is Power!


The path to success starts very early in life. Unfortunately, many children have a rough start as many developmental delays and disabilities are often not caught until a child enters school and begins to struggle. It is estimated that one in every six children experiences a developmental delay. However, 20-30% of children with these issues continue...

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  480 Hits

Information for Healthy Children & Happy Families!

Happy healthy children!

At Little Jewels Learning Center, we love children - in sickness and in health. We know that when they are sick, this can be both challenging and concerning for parents. It is our goal to offer you as much support as possible about common illnesses and the childcare sick policies we have in place to prevent the spread of disease. First, it's essent...

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  648 Hits

Welcome to Little Jewels Learning Center!

At Little Jewels Learning Center, we understand the responsibility we have to our families. It is no small thing that parents have chosen to leave their children in our charge, and we don't take that lightly. That's why we take such care in designing curriculum, activities, and even menus to ensure that children have the best experience and parents...

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  521 Hits

What is Kindness? with Ms. April

Today's Social Emotional Adventure Today we began a unit study on KINDNESS. We will have five lessons on this topic, as we learn what kindness is and how to recognize it on ourselves and others around us. This will take us up to almost the end of the school year! First, we talked about what we thought kindness was. They did great, coming up with th...

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  3704 Hits

The Day the Crayons Quit with Ms. April

Today's Social Emotional Adventure Today we focused on teamwork. We talked about how most of the time, it is easier to work with a group of friends, or a 'team' than to work alone. We read the story 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and discussed how each of the crayons was feeling. After we read the book, we talked about different ways to color a picture...

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  2350 Hits
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