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Healthy Screen-Time Guidelines


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children aged two to five have no more than 60 minutes of screen time daily. This time should be considered "high-quality" screen time, defined as age-appropriate educational programming, including games or apps that encourage learning and active engagement.

While most parents agree this sounds wise, they also agree that it's often much easier said than done. Tech temptations are everywhere and entertaining for everyone, young and old. Here are some tips that can help in today's high-tech times!

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

It's flattering how much your child will imitate your behavior until you realize that they imitate all of your behaviors. Children watch everything parents do; you become their behavioral model. If you look at your phone at the dinner table, always have the television on, or always have a laptop in your lap, this will appear appropriate and positive. Take a new look at your routines and ensure they are ideal for your child.

Choose Wisely

Not all content is ideal for children, even when it appears or is marketed to be. Look for educational programs that promote problem-solving creativity and even encourage social interaction. Realize that what may be ideal for one child may not be suitable for the next. Do your homework, watch the show, and play that game before letting your child. You may be surprised at what you see! And, when you find some great choices, it's always a good idea to watch and experience it together. Healthy screen time is good, but it's always happier when shared with others.

Trust but Verify

Even when you've screened programs and apps, you must constantly monitor online activities. There is harmful content out there, and sadly, there are dangerous people. Block sites and social media streams that children need to be mature enough to handle. Teach them from a young age the importance of appropriate and respectful online and in-person interactions. Also, remember that kids can often find and see your online interactions, so set an excellent example for the next generation.

Make Rules

Set clear screen time guidelines about what is or is not acceptable. Be clear on how much screen time is allowable and when it's appropriate. Consider having places and times where no devices are allowed, such as during meals at the table. Do this as early as possible, as bad habits can form quickly and be hard to break. Ensure everyone in your household is on board, and reinforce the rules set in place. With clear structure and expectations, your child will learn essential moderation lessons and be more likely to engage in positive and active alternative activities.

Enjoy Life!

Make sure that you are balancing inside screen time with real-life experiences! The world and everything in it are new to your child. Plan outside playtime, plenty of time to read, and social interactions that extend beyond your immediate family. You don't have to plan Mary Poppins-style adventures. To your child, the world is an excellent adventure book; take the time to share it with them! Doing so can reduce their digital dependency and improve their appreciation of positive and engaging interactions.

All parents understand that sometimes you've got to make screen time exceptions. Is it movie night at Grandma's? Or are you gearing up for the annual 22-hour drive to Disney? Shows, phones, tablets, and apps can be fun, entertaining, educational, and helpful to keep kids focused while in specific environments. With rules and balance, children can learn to have a healthy relationship with technology and enjoy it without overuse or dependence.

At Little Jewels Learning Center, we keep our children active with structured activities, a themed curriculum, and fun socialization. We offer outside playtime and exercise as weather allows and provide a positive childcare environment for growth and development. We welcome you to see our Little Jewels in action!

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